what is bunchae?
“Bunchae” is made from paint powder. Although bunchae uses a cumbersome method of mixing glue paste(animal-hyde gelatin) to create color, the effects are a whole new level than what watercolor or oil painting can create.
With a wide range of colors, by mixing paste for the right consistency and using water to create the effects of light and shadow, bunchae is considered a type of water color in fine arts but its effects are closer to oil paint.
While oil paint is effective in portraying texture, bunchae’s strength is in creating depth. Its charm is in the natural color combination of bottom paint and top paint.
Chalk is essential to bunchae, which is ground from seashells and mixed into the glue. The chalk not only works as white but is indispensable as the base foundation for paintings. Knowing how to use chalk and the right amount chalk is key to painting well.
Bunchae is versatile in a sense that it can be used with other water based materials like acrylic paint and watercolor. I hope that my work can also invoke interests from artists of different styles.